Friday 22 April 2011

How to take care of your watch

If you are like me and HATE SCRATCHES on your watch then you've come to the right place!

Before we start discussing how to take care of your watch, we must understand how scratches are formed.

In this case, I will use a watch as an example.

Scratches are formed (on watches) when something that is harder than the watch comes in contact with it. Perhaps the most common place to find scratches on a watch is on the strap or the casing itself. These scratches come from many places. Throughout the day, dust and sand, which are microscopic, land on your shirt, pants, bed sheets etc... and these microscopic particles are often harder then the metal used on your watch. Due to the hardness of the microscopic particles, if enough force is applied on the surface of the watch then scratches are formed. To avoid these kind of scratching, expensive watches use rhodium plating for the stainless steel which makes it harder. They also use sapphire crystals for the glass on your watch! Diamonds are said to be "unscratchable" because nothing is harder than diamond! At least naturally.

Sadly, scratches are unavoidable if your going to wear your watch. Maybe it wont be scratched the first few times of wearing it but surly it will be after a while.

So lets stop worrying about that! I know its a twist and on the contrary on the topic but keep reading!

In my opinion there are good scratches and bad scratches. Good scratches are when the scratches are very small and inconspicuous, in other words (micro-scratches as I like to call it) due to scratching by microscopic particles. Bad scratches are when the scratches are big, deep and obvious (clearly this makes your watch look ugly).

Watches are a piece of jewelry for both men and women. It reflects your personality, character, social class etc... It can also mean that you treasure your time! In the same way, I think that scratches on your watch will reflect your personality as well.

If your watch only consists of only good scratches, it will give a brushed metal kind of feel after wearing it over a period of time. Its one of the things thats hard to describe but we've all seen it before. They are only visible when there is good lighting. Try looking at your watch and find those small scratches (similar to the picture on the left). Frankly I think it looks pretty nice! It shows other people that you like taking care of your belongings, very elegant and caring. (a bit like George Clooney)

On the other hand, you can have bad scratches on your watch. This will show people that you are uncaring, rough etc...

But we are here today to discuss how to get the good scratches and avoid the bad scratches so lets start!

  1. NEVER wear your watch to the beach! If your watch comes in contact with the sand then it will scratch it like crazy giving you the "bad scratches". Believe me I've made that mistake before!
  2. Don't wear it when playing sports or even swimming! By playing sports, you may fall down and scrape your watch on the ground. When swimming, the water itself wont scratch the watch but when getting out of the pool your watch might come in contact with the ground.
  3. Be careful when writing. Usually people have both arms on the table when writing or studying. When you rest your "watch-hand" on the table, you are actually making bad scratches on the back of the strap.
  4. When you take off your watch, make sure that you return it into the original box that came with it. The boxes that you are provided with (when buying the watch) is designed to keep your watch away from scratches.
  5. Take your watch off when on the computer. We rest our wrists on the table when typing. This can cause scratching on you watch as well. 
  6. Take it off when doing house chores. House chores usually consists of pretty rough work. Your watch can easily be scratched when you least expect it. You may be carrying a big bucket using both hands (much like hugging) then BANG! you've hit it the corner of your wall when walking by. We've all had that experience or similar ones and it hurts! Especially when its a brand new watch!!
  7. Be careful when walking. When we walk, our hands swing back and forth. If you walk close to a wall then you might scrape it against it and cause scratches on the bezel of your watch. Alternatively you can also hit an object with your wrist when your arms are swinging back and forth.
  8. Take your watch off when sleeping. When we are sleeping, we are actually under partial paralysis of the whole body. This is controlled by the brain so that we don't actually act out what we're doing in the dream (imagine how that would look). But sometimes the urge to move is too great in our dream and our brain confuses this with real events (thats why sometimes we swing our arms or kick when sleeping). We also change our positions many times when sleeping. If these events occur, you might hit your watch on something when sleeping. 
  9. Avoid all contact on your watch. This may be challenging if you are a rough person as I was before I bought an expensive watch.
  10. Never wipe your watch with your cloths. As I said, dust particles land on your cloths. If you wipe your watch too hard with your watch, then deep scratches may form. It is better to use a microfiber cloth.
Thanks for reading this post and I hope I answered your question as well as give you some understanding on how scratches are formed. This is my first ever blog post so please support me! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey I have bought a Swatch skeleton. Since I got the first bad scratch on it, I have been trying to be careful with it by controlling the movement of my watch. But I have also been wiping it with my cloths which have increased the number of scratches on its crystal. So I started wiping the crystal with a professional screen wiping cloth used to clean screens of tablets and smartphones. Will this cloth work as a substitute for the microfiber cloth?
